Please review the packet of information for the upcoming board meeting on Wednesday, April 5th.  At this meeting we will approve the association budget as well as update owners on the polypipe initiative.  This packet can be found under the owner section of the website in the section Board Meeting Agenda and Packets.  The packet also includes the unapproved minutes from the March 27th meeting as well as the proposed budget.  Please make every attempt to attend.  Meeting begins at 10am in the Clubhouse.

Also, please take a look at the selected rules to share with your tenants.  These are located under the Condo Documents section of the website.  In particular, please adhere to the following rule: Rentals are not allowed for less than one month (30 consecutive days).  Thank you.

Royal Pelican Board of Directors

April 1, 2017 (no April Fools joke)